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Raider Care

Raider Care is an after school child care program offered as a service to parents. The cost is $3.00 per hour for the first child and $2.00 per hour for any additional children in the same family. The hours are immediately after school until 5:30 PM (please note that this is a change from previous years). Children must be in kindergarten through sixth grade to attend Raider Care. A snack and juice will be provided daily at no extra cost. Children may also provide their own snacks/beverages. 

The children are supervised by the Raider Care Paraprofessionals.  The program provides fun planned activities which include arts and crafts, movie night, computer fun (school approved sites only), group games, inside free play (Legos, puzzles, board games, coloring, etc.), playground, and free play. Time spent completing homework is encouraged and always accommodated.

Children will only be released to the parent or to individuals listed on Final Forms (click the link on the Benjamin Logan District website). If there is a question, Raider Care workers will ask to see identification. Parents are required to come into the building to sign children out of Raider Care in the afternoons. Please note, that in the rare event that school must have an unplanned early release, Raider Care will not stay open past dismissal for that night.  Fees should be paid at the end of each week. Notices will be sent home regarding the total for the week.

If you would like to sign your child up for Raider Care, please let your child’s teacher know by sending a note into school or by calling the elementary office. If you have any questions, please call the school at 937-592-4838. Raider Care begins on the first day of school and follows the school calendar.